Maths Lit BootCamps

1. What Maths Lit services does MathsLive offer

For Term 3 of 2024 we will be offering Maths Lit Bootcamps. These will be held on the Saturdays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th of August from 14:30-16:00.

The topics covered with be:

3 August: Finance

10 August: Data Handling

17 August: Measurement

24 August: Maps, Plans & Probability

Cost: R599 for all 4 sessions

2. Who is it aimed at? (GR11 & GR12)

3. Where does it take place ? 

4. How do you pay for Bootcamps?

Bank: First National Bank

Account Name: MathsLive 

Branch Code: 250655

Account Number: 63083661687


Ref:  0824572389 AUG (11MLit)

5. Share POP & Receive Access to Bootcamp Google Classroom

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