Maths Lit BootCamps
1. What Maths Lit services does MathsLive offer?
For Term 3 of 2024 we will be offering Maths Lit Bootcamps. These will be held on the Saturdays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th of August from 14:30-16:00.
The topics covered with be:
3 August: Finance
10 August: Data Handling
17 August: Measurement
24 August: Maps, Plans & Probability
Cost: R599 for all 4 sessions
Cost: R599 for all 4 sessions
2. Who is it aimed at? (GR11 & GR12)
3. Where does it take place ?
MathsLit Bootcamps will take place in a dedicated Google Classroom using Google Meet.
You will get access to this dedicated Google Classroom once you have paid for the Bootcamp.
Parents will also be invited to join a parents Whatsapp Group for updates
4. How do you pay for Bootcamps?
Pay the bootcamp fees into the normal MathsLive bank account
Bank: First National Bank
Account Name: MathsLive
Branch Code: 250655
Account Number: 63083661687
The reference used is the mobile number of the parent / guardian paying the fees and the month you are paying for (AUG), but just add the letters (11Lit) or (12Lit) to indicate it is a maths lit bootcamp payment
Ref: 0824572389 AUG (11MLit)
Payment is due by the end of July
5. Share POP & Receive Access to Bootcamp Google Classroom
Share Proof of Payment (POP) with us on WhatsApp +27 71 228 8501
Describe what the payment is for in that chat
We will then share the Google Classroom code and links with you
If you have not received them, please query this with customer service